St. Joseph Catholic School Home

News & Announcements

Parent Involvement Presentation Featured Photo

Parent Involvement Presentation

The Parent Involvement Committee and the Faith and Equity Advisory Committee are excited to offer our CDSBEO families an opportunity to spend an evening with award winning, transformational speaker, Jeff Martin.

Jeff will present on Wednesday February 26th, at 6:00 p.m., at St. Michael’s CHS, in Kemptville.

Busing will be provided to the first 60 registrants from two pre-determined locations. See the registration link on the picture.
Kindergarten Open House Featured Photo

Kindergarten Open House

Are you looking to register your child for JK for September 2025? Join us for an Open House on Thursday, Jan. 23rd. Drop in anytime between 5:15 and 6:15 and we will answer all of your questions.
Family Math and Literacy Night Featured Photo

Family Math and Literacy Night

On Monday, January 27th, 2025 our Catholic School Council is hosting a Family Math and Literacy Night. Please join us with your family to rotate through a variety of stations that will teach you some fun activities you can work on at home together.
Register Now for 2025-2026 Featured Photo

Register Now for 2025-2026

St. Joseph Catholic School is now accepting new student registrations for September 2025! We invite parents/guardians to complete the online pre-registration by visiting All details on the registration process can be found on this page. We look forward to welcoming your child in September!
Christmas Concert Week Featured Photo

Christmas Concert Week

Students had their final dress rehearsal today for our Christmas Concert and they are very excited to perform it for friends and family . The concert will run over 3 days to give as many people as possible the opportunity to attend. Doors will open at 12:05. Concert begins at 12:15. This is also our last week to collect food for our Advent Food Drive. Thank you to those who have contributed so far!

Upcoming Events

Spotlight Message

Spotlight Message Image
Our Service Project for Lent is to collect food and money for the Food Bank!
Please donate what you can.